I would like to continue and to describe each level and I will start with Elementary level of knowledge of Russian.
At this level students :
- know Russian alphabet, able to read and write in Russian
- obtain basic knowledge of Russian grammar
- able to satisfy daily travel needs and minimum courtesy requirements
- can ask and answer questions on very familiar topics within the scope of very limited language vocabulary
- can understand simple questions and statements
- minimum vocabulary - 750 words
- possess a sufficient knowledge for further study of language for cultural purposes and to achieve the next level of Russian language.
You can pass an exam and get a certificate that you already know Russian language at this level. As I have already mentioned each exam consists of 5 sections:
1) Vocabulary and grammar
Students should know minimum 750 words ( there is a special book which is called Лексический минимум для элементарного уровня) - a list of essential words you should know by the end of this level
Grammar. Students should know:
Russian noun:
- animate and inanimate nouns
- gender and plural forms of nouns
- all cases in general meaning
Russian pronouns:
- personal pronouns - the main meaning and usage in all cases
- possessive pronouns (мой, твой etc)
- demonstrative pronouns (этот, тот etc)
- interrogative pronouns ( Какой, какая etc)
- defining pronouns (каждый etc)
- negative pronouns (никто, ничего etc)
Russian adjective:
- long adjectives
- agreement of gender and number of nouns and adjectives in Nominative
- the case system of long adjectives
- popular short adjectives (glad, busy,happy etc).
Russian verb:
- forms of infinitive (делать, идти, мочь etc)
- aspects of Russian verb
- present, past and future tense of verbs
- groups and types of verbs
- imperative of popular verbs
- verb direction
- transitive and intransitive verbs
- verbs of motion
Russian numeral:
- cardinal numbers
- usage with nouns
- ordinal numbers in Nominative
Russian adverb:
- adverbs of place, time,measure etc
- predicate adverbs (можно, нельзя)
- question adverbs (где, куда, откуда etc)
Auxiliary parts of speech:
- prepositions
- linking words
- particles
Students at this level are able to read and understand the essential information from the adapted text that is based on an authentic literary, artistic or journalistic text of sociological, educational and socio-cultural spheres. Students should be able to understand the situation that is given in a text.
Text will be of 200-300 words with 1-2% of unknown words.
Text will be of 200-300 words with 1-2% of unknown words.
Students are able to present certain information from the text. The proposed material is adapted from text created on the basis of an authentic literary or journalistic text. Students are able to write a statement on the proposed theme with support questions.
During the test you should write a text of 200 words.
During the test you should write a text of 200 words.
Students are able to understand the basic information (subject, content, communicative intent) provided in separate short dialogues and monologues. Topics are relevant to the socio-cultural and educational spheres.
Students are able to participate in the dialogic communication: to respond to phrases and questions, to initiate a new dialogue and express communicative intent in simple standard situations. A student is able to maintain a conversation within a limited range of topics (The story about yourself, to talk about such topics as «my friend, family, my working day, free time etc»), and also to provide information about themselves, their interests and others.Main topics are:
in a shop, at the post office, in a bank, in a restaurant, cafe, canteen, in a library, on the classes, in a transport, at the doctor, at the hospital, in a drugstore etc.
Here you can download free sample test and requirements for this level of knowledge. Download or read online.
It seems to me that is all I wanted to write about the Elementary.
If you want to learn Russian individually online - I can recommend you to learn Russian via Skype with experienced and very creative teacher Anastasia.
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