Is your level of Russian A2 or higher? Why not trying to read Chekhov’s novels to the world?
On Friday an online marathon reading of works by Anton Chekhov was announced .The marathon, called "Чехов жив" (Chekhov Is Alive) will be on air for 24 hours on September 25.
Once the project like this was realized when Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy was reading online. The project went viral and even made it into the "Guinness Book of World Records" for the largest audience for a live-streamed reading marathon. That was a great success."
Buoyed by the success of Tolstoy project, the group decided to organize another marathon reading. This time the author is Anton Chekhov, since this year marks the 155th anniversary of his birth.
About 50 works will be reading during the marathon The list includes all of Chekhov's plays and his most famous short stories.
Readings will be held at over 20 theaters, universities, museums and other places associated with Chekhov's life, including the Moscow Art Theater, his house museums in Melikhovo and Moscow, and the "Island of Sakhalin" museum of Chekhov's works in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
As one of the organizers added: "The project is very democratic — everyone can read, from a state minister to a librarian from Snezhinsk, or a schoolchild and the director of a theater."
Casting for the roles is being conducted until August 10.
To submit an online audition, go to the site chekhov.withgoogle.com and click on the test "Which Chekhov character are you?"
To submit an online audition, go to the site chekhov.withgoogle.com and click on the test "Which Chekhov character are you?"
After answering seven simple questions in Russian, you will be sorted into one of 28 of Chekhov's most well-known fictional characters and offered an audition passage.
The site already has dozens of audition tapes, so you can compare your performance to other theatrical hopefuls. The best readers will join some of Russia's finest performers on September 25.
You can have a look video that already recorded here
Send us your video please if you are going to participate!
You can have a look video that already recorded here
Send us your video please if you are going to participate!
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