Basic level of Russian language.
This is the very interesting topic for me and I hope for you as well. The problem is that many many people who learn Russian and already know 20 verbs and 100 words, who knows several cases in their main meanings consider themselves to be at this A2 level.
Why? I still don't know.
Let’s get know what you should know at this level.
First of all, remember, that at the basic level of Russian language you should know almost all grammar.
To achieve this level of knowledge it usually takes 180-200 hours.
This level is absolutely grammatical: main meanings of all Russian cases, tenses, verbs of motion and the other tricks of Russian grammar you should know by the end of this level.
Achieving this level of Russian language allow you to satisfy the most essential communication needs in a number of daily situations related to everyday life communication with native speakers. This level is a necessary stage for the next (First) level of proficiency of Russian language, after which there are higher levels.
So, you are at the A2 level if you know everything from Elementary level plus:
Russian grammar:
1) Nominative case (all meanings)
2) Genetive case
without preposition in the meanings of...
- possession (книга брата)
- the absence of smth (у меня нет кошки)
- the meaning of a part of smth (чашка чая)
- the definition of smth (это центр Москвы)
- the expression of quantity or measure with numbers after много, мало, несколько etc. (сейчас 3 часа 15 минут, 50 рублей)
- to express date (cегодня второе августа)
- to indicate the date when smth happened (это случилось второго августа)
with prepositions:
- location (я была в гостях у брата)
- the start of movement (он приехал из Мексики)
- final destination (доехать до магазина)
- time of action (люблю поспать после обеда)
- the person who possessess smth (у) (у меня была собака- я ее любил)
3) Dative case:
without preposition:
- the recipient of action (я позвоню тебе завтра)
- the person with a feeling of any status or condition. (Мне холодно)
- the person with the feeling of necessesity. (Марку нужно поступать в университет)
- to define the age (Марии 35 лет)
with prepositions:
- a person as the destination (пойдем вечером к бабушке)
- way of communication (по) (говорить по скайпу, по телефону)
- definition (по) (учебник по русскому языку)
- a location where the subject is moving (Я иду по улице)
4) Accusative case
without preposition
- a person or a thing as a direct object (Нужно купить книгу)
- to say someone's name (ее звали Никита)
- time of action( duration, frequency) Я хожу туда каждую неделю.
with prepositions:
- Direction (with в, на) (мы едем в Самару)
- time, days of the week (увидимся в следующую среду)
5) Instrumental case
without preposition:
- characteristics of a person (after быть, становиться,работать) Он работал много лет врачом.
- with certain verbs (like заниматься, интересоваться etc) Я с детства занимаюсь музыкой.
with prepositions:
- with prepositions of place (над, под, за etc) (Кошка прячется под столом)
- after «with» (Я разговариваю с тобой)
6) Prepositional case
- an object of conversation or thoughts (я часто думаю о тебе)
- place (в лесу, в магазине, на работе)
- time (в сентябре, в прошлому году)
- way of transportation (ехать на автобусе)
Russian pronouns:
Knowledge of personal, interrogative, possessive, demonstrative, definitive and negative pronouns.
Russian adjectives:
- Knowledge of long adjectives in all cases, knowledge of all adjective and noun agreements in case, gender and number.
- Certain short adjectives
- Comparative degree of limited list of adjectives
Russian verb:
- knowledge of different infinitive forms(хотеть, мочь, идти etc)
- the aspect of the verb
- present, past and future tenses
- classes and groups of Russian verbs
- verb government
- transitive and intransitive verbs
- verbs of motion without prefixes
Russian numbers:
- ordinal and cardinal numbers
- using numbers with nouns ( 2 книги, 5 книг etc)
- cardinal numbers and their declension
Russian adverb:
- knowledge of different adverbs of time, place, manner, measure and level etc.
- knowledge of predicate adverb ( можно, нельзя etc)
- interrogative adverb, question words (как, куда, откуда etc)
Auxiliary parts of speech:
- all popular prepositions
- linking words and their meanings
- particles and their meanings
You should be able to read short texts from different authentic sources (magazines, newspapers, advertisement, index, ads, headers etc) To be able to understand the main and the additional information of adapted texts.
You should be able to write short letters, notes, wishes etc. You should be able to summarize a text.
You should be able to speak in different places:
in administrative organisations
in a shop, kiosk, cash
at the post office
at the bank, to be able to change money
in a cafe, in a restaurant, canteen etc.
in a library
in a classes
in a transport, in the city streets, during excursions
in a hospital, at the doctor, in a drugstore
by phone
You should be able to speak about different topics:
Your life: biography, your childhood, studies, interested topics, your hobby
To tell about your friend ( his life, hobby, job, studies etc)
Your family
Studies, job
Learning foreign languages
Your day
Free time, rest
Story about your homeland (city, village)
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