People know what it's like to face the challenge of cleaning a messy bedroom. Sometimes, it can feel like you're about to climb Mount Everest when all you're really doing is putting some clothes and books away.
- выбрасывать - to throw, to drop, to discard
выбрасывать мусор - to drop litter
- собирать - to collect, to prepare
собирать вещи - to collect things, to pack things
- пылесосить - to clean with a vacuum cleaner
пылесосить ковёр - to vacuum a carpet
- подметать - to sweep
подметать комнату - to sweep out a room
- мыть пол - to mop the floors
- мыть - to clean, to wash up
- вытирать пыль - to dust
- выжимать - to squeeze, to press, to wring
- выжимать белье - to wring clothes
- вытирать - to wipe out, to dry
вытирать стол - to wipe down the table
- мыть посуду - to wash up the dishes
- накрывать на стол - to set the table
- убирать со стола - to clear the table
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